Next Wednesday 8 December 2021, the European Commission will release its European Action Plan for the Social Economy, the third European Commission’s communication/roadmap exclusively dedicated to the social economy in the history of the EU.
The European Action Plan for the Social Economy will serve to recognise and accompany the development of all social economy actors as cooperatives, mutuals, associations, foundations, social enterprises, and other legal forms specific to each Member State; proposing actions in key areas as legal and policy frameworks, access to finance, access to markets, internationalisation and international partnerships; visibility, or the connection of the social economy to the green and digital transitions, unlocking its full potential to provide socially-driven solutions. Social Economy Europe believes that the Action Plan will serve to support social economy organisations at EU, national and regional levels; as well as national, regional and local governments engaged in the promotion of the social economy at national and regional/local levels. Precisely, last week the new coalition that will govern Germany for the next four years, presented its coalition agreement with important mentions to the social economy and to socially responsible public procurement. |