Dublin City Council are calling on the public to
nominate those special people, our neighbours, friends
and colleagues who by their actions make this city an
extraordinary place to live.
The Dublin City Good Citizen Awards aim to celebrate the contributions
made to Dublin city by innumerable hidden heroes of everyday life, people
who give their time selflessly to their communities, who look out for friends
and neighbours, who lead community groups and who motivate and inspire
others to create a smarter, more caring city.
It is often small acts of friendship and community spirit that create the bonds
and support networks which knit our communities together. Good Citizens can
be ordinary people, not just members of voluntary organisations, whose efforts
deserve to be recognised for their contribution to the quality of life in our city.
Remember – the Good Citizen Awards are all about recognising the work of
ordinary individuals not just professional organisations so no example is too
small to be worthy of a nomination.
How to nominate someone
Dublin City Council is calling on you to acknowledge these hidden heroes by
nominating someone who really makes a difference to the lives of others in
your area.
It’s easy to nominate a Good Citizen. Just fill out the form attached and
and post to:
Good Citizen Awards, Dublin City Council, Block 3, Floor 1,
Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8
or submit your nomination on-line on
http://www.dublincity.ie/goodcitizen before the 18th March 2016.