Election 2020

What are your politicians going to do about social enterprise?

Voters: What will your politicians do for social enterprises?

Priority 1: Commit to Social Enterprise having a place in the Programme for Government

Priority 2: Support the full implementation of the National Policy for Social Enterprises 2019 – 2022

Priority 3: Support the development/ growth of social enterprises through appropriate funding

Priority 4: Commit to Ireland being a leader in implementing the  forthcoming EU Action Plan on Social Economy and Social Innovation

Political Party Manifestos

What do the political parties say about social enterprise?

Fine Gael

Manifesto: https://election2020.finegael.ie/pdf/FG_GE20_Manifesto.pdf

Quoted Text: Page 30

Social Enterprise

Social enterprises make a valuable contribution to our social and economic programmes through the creation of jobs and the delivery of a range of services in communities across Ireland. Fine Gael will build on Ireland’s first ever National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland and provide additional supports to social enterprises to help them to increase their social impact.

Fianna Fail

Manifesto: https://www.fiannafail.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Fianna-Fail-General-Election-Manifesto-2020.pdf

Quoted Text: Page 83

Support the Community, Voluntary and Social Enterprise Sectors

Volunteering is embedded in the national culture and Ireland has an international reputation as being a nation that gives. Ireland depends on volunteers in areas across our society. Social Enterprise is an innovative model of using business acumen to achieve broader social goals. With sufficient state supports and prioritisation, the sector has enormous potential to expand and grow employment numbers.

We will:

Increase to €2m (€0.8m increase) the annual budget for the implementation of measures in the Sustainable, Inclusive and Empowered Communities strategy.

Sinn Fein

Manifesto: https://www.sinnfein.ie/files/2020/SF_GE2020_Manifesto.pdf

Quoted Text: Page 82

Sinn Féin priorities:

  • »  Implement the National Development Strategy for the community and voluntary sector

  • »  Facilitate growth with the social enterprise and community co-operative sector through our newly established Co-Op Development Agency

  • »  Developaframeworkforcollaborativeworkingbetweenvoluntaryorganisations and their statutory counterparts

  • »  Provide additional supports and guidelines for charities seeking to merge or collaborate

  • »  Convene a working group to include sector representatives and relevant Government departments to develop a multi-annual funding structure – a simplified compliance and regulatory environment and a professionalenhancement support similar to that provided by small businesses by Local Enterprise Offices

  • »  Amend Charities Act to include the ‘Advancement of Human Rights’ as grounds for charitable tax exemption

  • »  Increase the number of Community Employment places by 1,000 at a cost of €5.4 million

  • »  Continued support and funding for Community Grants, Leader and Small-Scale Rural Projects (Clár) appropriate to the needs of our communities

  • »  Protecting and upholding the 7 core LEADER principles and putting in place adequate programme supports – including ring-fencing core Local Development Companies’ budgets – for this purpose


Manifesto: https://www.labour.ie/download/pdf//labour_manifesto_web.pdf

Quoted Text: Page 17


Labour will legislate to ensure that co- operatives, limited-profit companies and social enterprises can access all State supports and grants on the same basis as limited companies.

Labour will require businesses and public agencies above a certain size to publish their carbon footprints in their annual reports.

Labour will require businesses and public agencies with 50 or more employees to publish their gender pay gap in their annual reports, as well as the remuneration of top executives and the gender breakdown of company directors.

Labour will require transparency about the beneficial ownership of businesses, along the lines of reforms introduced in the UK. All businesses in Ireland will be obliged to publish Ireland-specific statements of profit, not joint reports with their UK operations.

Green Party

Manifesto: https://www.greenparty.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/GREEN_PARTY_TOWARDS_2030-WEB-VERSION.pdf

Quoted Text: Page 59

  • We will work to redress the imbalance that has developed under this government-supported community development approach. We promote a local rather than a centralised focus and will prioritise anti-poverty work as well as supporting other initiatives in which the concept of community can play a part including protecting our local environment.

  • We commit to growing and core funding a new programme for community development. This programme would provide support to organisations that are already engaged, or have well-developed ideas about becoming engaged, in their communities or across communities on specific issues.

  • We will assist these projects through a small number of support agencies providing technical support and training in community development approaches.

  • We will update the legislation governing the dormant accounts fund to ensure that it can be used to fund social enterprises that contribute to environmental protection or climate action.

Social Democrats

Manifesto: https://www.socialdemocrats.ie/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Invest-in-Better-GE2020-31-Jan.pdf

Quoted Text: Page 68

support the creation of more social enterprises such as the Rediscovery Centre, Food Cloud, and Recreate Ireland . We would also examine how the tax code or a preferential commercial rates policy could help promote better second-hand markets and repair businesses.

People Before Profit

Manifesto: https://manifesto.pbp.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/People-Before-Profit-General-Election-Manifesto-2020.pdf

Quoted Text: Page 13

Support community co-operatives for local onshore wind enterprises.


Manifesto: https://aontu.ie/issues/

Quoted Text: No specific references

Renua Ireland

Manifesto: http://www.renuaireland.com/policies/country-policies

Quoted Text: 

18. RENUA Ireland will support the growth and development of the social enterprise sector in Ireland. We will instruct Local Enterprise Offices (LEO’s) to accept funding applications from Social Enterprises.

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