COVID-19 Coronavirus Update

 COVID-19 ‘Coronavirus’ – Last Update 30th June 2020

As the Coronavirus begins to affect more services and individuals around the country, we would like to help point social enterprises in the direction of information that can support them.

Supports available

A number of support organisations and government departments are providing up to date information for a range of entities that may face difficulties.
HSE Live:
Department of Rural & Community Development:
Department of Health:
EU Commission:
Department of Jobs Enterprise and Innovation:
Local Enterprise Office:

30th June 2020

The Department has linked with Pobal to prepare information and resources for the Community and Voluntary Sector on reopening.

This is based on existing recommendations from Government. It is intended as a useful resource to help groups make their own decisions on the steps they need to take when preparing for reopening. The guidance does not put in place any new requirements, but instead shows how the information already out there is relevant to the community and voluntary sector.

While this guidance has been developed to help the sector, considerable emphasis should be placed on personal responsibility and the need for people and organisations to exercise judgement in their activities. This is especially important in the community and voluntary sector, given the varied nature of the activities being undertaken.

For details click on the below link:

9th June 2020

#InThisTogether Wellbeing campaign
Thank you for all of the fantastic support for the #InThisTogether Wellbeing campaign, from the Department of Health and the HSE. This will continue to be on the airwaves in June.


The website is and the hash tag is #InThisTogether. Partners are recommended to continue to share their wellbeing content under the hash tag #InThisTogether.

The radio adverts can be found here and include new ads which are being aired on national and local radio relating to:
1.       Social distancing and disability – keeping in mind people with disabilities, including the visually impaired
2.       Sleep – advice for people experiencing disturbed sleep at this time
3.       ‘Small Walk’ – advice for people who are worried about getting back out and about or may be feeling unsteady on their feet  
Family Carers Ireland – offering family carers free counselling sessions
As a carer, there are times when mental health and emotional well-being may be challenged due to a combination of the demands of a caring role, and the additional worries of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Family Carers Ireland offer help to family carers, as they believe no one should have to care alone. They have developed a free, short-term online and phone counselling service for family carers, and will connect carers with a qualified counsellor from a panel of approved professionals.
The service can be accessed through the website or through the National Freephone Careline on 1800 24 07 24.
Online Mental Health Supports – As part of their on-going collaboration with HSE Mental Health, Silvercloud Health has made four of their online mental health and wellbeing programs free to access for all health sector staff and volunteers. The four programs cover: Stress; Sleep; Resilience; and Challenging Times, and were developed in response to COVID-19. These programs, which are self directed, feature evidence based content in a series of modules that draw on well-established interventions such as cognitive behavioural therapy. The HSE and Silvercloud want to ensure that the wider health sector can avail of the programs. To find out more and to access the content, please visit the dedicated landing page and please remember to use the access code HSE2020. Further information on minding your mental health during Covid-19 can be found here.

COVID-19 Deaf and Hard of Hearing Communications Resources
For people who are deaf or hard of hearing, communicating in a health setting such as a busy clinic or ward situation can be difficult. The COVID-19 pandemic and the necessity for many healthcare staff to wear face masks have made communication even more difficult, especially for people who may rely on lip-reading.
The Irish Deaf Society and Chime, in partnership with the HSE, have prepared resources for use by Healthcare workers and people who are deaf or hard of hearing. These can be found here and include guidelines for staff, communication supports and videos in Irish Sign Language.  
Institute of Public Health survey – The Institute of Public Health is inviting people to take part in an online anonymous international survey to help understand how people are coping during the Covid-19 pandemic. The survey has been developed by the International Loneliness and Social Isolation Research Network (I-LINK) that includes the Institute of Public Health along with Ulster University, Trinity College Dublin and Maynooth University as well as colleagues from the UK, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Canada and the USA. The intent is that the
information will help understand how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted individuals, families, communities, policies and services at both a country and global level.
survey –

Public Health Information: As always, for the most up to date information and advice on Coronavirus, please go to: and

31st May 2020

Translated COVID-19 Resources
For those whose first language is neither English nor Irish, we have translated public health information into 24 other languages. These include Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Simplified Chinese, Czech, Farsi, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Urdu and Yoruba. We are also working on developing resources in Somali and Eritrean.
The most up to date translated partner resources for COVID-19 can be found here.
Under the resources listed above you will also find a video for the Roma Community in Romanian. This video can also be found here.
There is a Roma specific resources page which includes easy read and image based communication documents and a translation of the Phase 1 government re-opening roadmap which can be found here.
Migrant Health
There is also a Migrant Health resources page, which includes videos in various languages and further specific translated resources.
Other Resources:
The Covid 19 World Service is a joint initiative of Nasc and Together Ireland. The Covid 19 World Service has video messages from doctors and other healthcare professionals in several languages for migrants living in Ireland.
Video 1:  General advice on how to prevent the contraction and spread of the virus.
Video 2: Information on self-isolation, what to do if you test positive for Covid 19 or are a contact of someone who has.
These videos can be found here.  
The Government’s ‘Community Call – Advice and Contact Information for Your County’ leaflet has been translated into 12 different languages and is available here.  
Public Health Information:
As always, for the most up to date information and advice on Coronavirus, please go to:, and

10th May 2020

Some interesting insights to share in the attached link conducted by the Department of Health – here is a link to a report on this published yesterday

HoldFirm – the HSE’s new campaign
Information on the HSE’s new campaign called HoldFirm, launching tomorrow (9th May 2020, just before 6pm) can be found attached, including details on how you and your organisation can help support the campaign and share the message. Campaign assets are also available here filed under ‘HoldFirm assets’.

Updated COVID-19 Resources
The most up to date COVID-19 poster in English can be found here.  and in Irish here.    
Further languages will be added soon.

The most up to date COVID-19 pull-up banner is available here.

Wellbeing ‘In This Together’
The campaign this week incorporates a Leaving Certificate wellbeing page.
We appreciate your continued support of this campaign under the #InThisTogether

Other Resources/Campaigns:
1.        The Government’s roadmap for reopening society and business can be found here.          

2.        The National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) urges anyone with signs and symptoms of cancer to telephone their GP in this new video available here.

3.        The Irish Hospice Foundation Covid-19 Care & Inform Hub includes a range of information resources and videos focusing on the themes of grief, funerals in exceptional times, planning ahead and a suite of resources for healthcare professionals. It can be found here.  


4.        Cancer awareness campaign for anyone with potential signs and symptoms of cancer – The National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) launched a campaign urging anyone with potential signs and symptoms of cancer to telephone their GP to check them out. The number of patients being referred to cancer diagnostic services has decreased since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic which is a cause of concern for the NCCP as it indicates that people with symptoms of cancer are delaying seeking medical advice. A video was developed urging people with signs and symptoms of cancer to telephone their GP and have them checked out. See

5.        Men and COVID-19’ Webinar – an invitation – The Engage National Men’s Health Training Programme partners have invited Alan White, Emeritus Professor of Men’s Health at Leeds Beckett University, to present insights into ‘Men and experience of COVID-19’.   The presentation will include current evidence and a Q&A afterwards.  To book a place, send an email to Colin Fowler at    Places are limited and offered on a first-come-first-served basis. one hour online webinar will take place on Wednesday 13th May 2020 at 11.00am.  

6.        AMRIC Education Programme
On the 1st May 2020, the COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Home Visits webinar took place. Information for this webinar, as well as other webinars can be found here.      (please hyperlink to ‘here’)

7.        Dawn Chorus – Creative Aging International have come together with Sing Ireland and the Royal Irish Academy of Music to bring you Dawn Chorus. The idea is simple, easy and free and may involve a neighbourhood group or joining a local choir and connection through song. There is an opportunity to rehearse online, on the phone, at the front gate, or on the local street.

8.        The Dementia – Understand together campaign offer the following online activities and resources

I.        Bealtaine Festival – events and full programme here

II.        Age & Opportunity – To help during the pandemic, Age & Opportunity developed a range of resources on building resilience, keeping active and getting creative which can be found on:

III.        Alzheimer Society of Ireland’s National Helpline – this helpline is expanding with a new free call-back service which offers people with dementia and family carers from anywhere in Ireland the opportunity to book a 1:1 session with a Dementia Nurse or a Dementia Adviser during the COVID-19 public health emergency. People with dementia and their family carers who want to avail of this new service can contact the National Helpline to make an appointment which is open six days a week Monday to Friday 10am–5pm and Saturday 10am–4pm on 1800 341 341

21st  April 2020: Today’s Government Announcement:

Cocooning video
We have added a video explaining cocooning which can be easily shared to our video resources.

15 minute of daily activity and fitness – running daily
In support of people cocooning at this time, RTE has launched a 15 minute programme to help older people to keep active at home. It will be broadcast daily on RTÉ One at 2.20pm. It will help viewers who are at home and some in self-isolation or cocooning and will offer tips, especially to older viewers, on how to keep healthy and happy.  Fitness 15 will be hosted Monday to Friday at 2.20 PM on with Ray Lally, the Today Show fitness expert, and Dáithí Ó Sé.

Resources for people with dementia, their families and carers
Online resources for people dementia, their families and carers and a booklet of activities which can be carried out at home have also been added.
Irish sign language videos
Irish Sign Language videos are available online here . There are five videos, each covering a different section of the COVID-19 information booklet.

Mental Wellbeing Campaign
Finally, a reminder about the Mental Wellbeing campaign recently launched. The campaign offers support and resources for people to help deal with the stress, isolation and helps people maintain wellbeing and cope at home during this time. The campaign is running on all National and Local radio channels, as well as across social and digital platforms. The website is and the hashtag is #Together. We welcome your support on this and branding is available to all stakeholders creating messages in this space.
The link to the radio ads is here:

RTE are producing a 4 week programme series of Operation Transformation Staying Well Apartgoing out on Wednesday evenings at 9.30 in RTE 1 as a response to the need to help people cope with staying at home/cocooning at this time. The campaign is linking in with RTE to assist with this strategy and messaging.

3rd  April 2020: Today’s Government Announcement:

List of Essential Services:

Digital Partner Pack Update

The digital partner pack now has illustrated stories for children going to test centres for COVID-19 testing. It is hoped that children going for testing may benefit from the illustrated stories.

The digital partner pack also has the updated resources and materials asking people to stay at home.

The digital partner pack contains:
·        The most up to date posters on COVID-19
·        Videos and audio files that you can share
·        Leaflets, social media assets, the information booklet and more

The main leaflet which is gone to homes will be made available in a number of languages and formats – including audio and braille, which we will include on the digital partner pack as they are ready.

For information on cocooning, please go to:
There is a poster (halfway down) the Department of Health page above regarding cocooning and this will also be available on the Digital partner pack tomorrow.

Government have launched ‘Ireland’s National Action Plan in response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Update 16th March 2020‘.

Government announced additional measures to protect citizens by delaying the spread of COVID-19.
The general public is asked to follow this advice and keep informed of this ongoing outbreak. Details of these updated measures can be found here:

As part of the govenrment’s efforts, we have been given access to a partner pack that can now be downloaded online here

Key Updates
Here are some important additions and updates for you:

Looking after mental wellbeing:
We are aware that many people may be feeling a sense of anxiety and stress at this time.  In this regard we are also developing information and resources to support mental wellbeing and promote resilience during these challenging times.  We will be sharing this with you when these are developed.

Our collective efforts are critical, we need to do this together, as one community. We will be asking everyone to play their part, to help each other. Slowing the spread of this disease protects everyone, but it particularly protects those who are most at risk.

Guidance and Resources for Disability Services
COVID-19 Guidance is now available for staff and carers who provide services to people with disabilities.
This guidance will ensure that staff and carers are fully aware of the steps they need to take during the outbreak.  All of the materials are available to download here.

The HSE convened a group made up of representatives of the voluntary sector disability service providers to develop disability specific guidance and resources.  These are in line with nationally approved guidance issued by the HSE and the Health Protection Surveillance Centre. Where necessary, guidance has been reviewed by clinical leads and approved by the HSE’s Vulnerable Person’s Group, convened to lead the response to the needs of vulnerable people during this pandemic.

The Easy Read version of the COVID-19 Public Information Booklet
The Easy Read version of the COVID-19 Public Information Booklet will help those who sometimes find content hard to read, understand or act on. The Easy Read is also available to download here along with the original information guide which has been translated into many languages and is available as an audio guide.

You can also order hard copies of the Easy Read version on if you click into “Order Publications”.

There are a number of updated and new posters, including one on cocooning. All of the materials are available to download here



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