Programme for Government 2020
Irish Social Enterprise Network calls on the newly formed government to honour commitments to Social Enterprise in Ireland

Priority 1: Support the full implementation of the National Policy for Social Enterprises 2019 – 2022
Priority 2: Support the development/ growth of social enterprises through appropriate funding
Priority 3: Commit to Ireland being a leader in implementing the forthcoming EU Action Plan on Social Economy and Social Innovation
Social Enterprises request
The following are to be included in the programme for Government- Build on Ireland’s first ever National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland and provide additional supports to social enterprises to help them to increase their social impact.
- Increase funding in the annual budget for the implementation of measures in the National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland
- Increase the capacity of Community Employment, Community Service Programmes and more
- Fund the National representative body for social enterprises, the Irish Social Enterprise Network
- Legislate to ensure that co- operatives, limited-profit companies and social enterprises can access all State supports and grants on the same basis as limited companies.
- Require businesses and public agencies above a certain size to publish their carbon footprints in their annual reports.
- Update the legislation governing the dormant accounts fund to ensure that it can be used to fund social enterprises that contribute to environmental protection or climate action.
- Examine how the tax code or a preferential commercial rates policy could help promote better second-hand markets and repair businesses.
- Support community co-operatives for local onshore wind enterprises.
- Guarantee supports and payments to ensure social enterprises can continue to employ and work with those most vulnerable in society
- Implement social procurement principles in government contracts and tenders
- Create a financial stability fund to shore up social enterprises to increase their capacity coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social enterprises are best placed to work with those in need of employment supports at a time of high unemployment.
- Ensure that funds already allocated to finance social enterprises should continue and be respected, on time without further obligations, even if the activities are suspended or closed down.
- Ensure investments for the digital transition of social enterprises.
What is your opinion?
We want to hear from you. If you are a social enterprise, social entrepreneur or social innovator, what should be in the programme for government?