From our partners in Social Economy Europe Network

On Wednesday 25 March 2020, the first Social Economy Intergroup public hearing of this new mandate on Social Economy’s Vision for a Green and Fair Transition will take place at the European Parliament .

Following the launch of The European Green Deal last December, defining the new EU’s sustainable and inclusive growth strategy, the aim of this hearing is to raise awareness on social economy’s solid track-record as a driver of innovative solutions to fight climate change and build a more sustainable economy. Furthermore, the event should serve to mobilise the full potential of the over 2.8 million social economy enterprises and organisations in the EU to ensure the success of Europe’s climate-neutrality ambition. An ambition that cannot be achieved without the involvement of all socio-economic actors and the civil society.

Please find the agenda here for the hearing gathering MEPs, high-level European Commission representatives and social economy actors at the forefront of a Green Transition that leaves no one behind.

If you would like to participate, please register here by Wednesday 18 March at 5pm. Please note that registrations will be closed once the maximum capacity of the meeting room (80 people) is reached.

Disclamer: As you may know the European Parliament has decided to cancel non-legislative events and visitis in Parliament premises until the 24 of March(see Decision by the President on measures to be taken in connection with the COVID-19 outbreak). Further arrangement are being made by the secretariat of the Intergroup (SEE) in case this decision were to affect this public hearing. We will keep you informed on any further developments.