SEE welcomes the Circular Economy Action Plan, which recognises that: “The potential of the social economy, which is a pioneer in job creation linked to the circular economy, will be further leveraged by the mutual benefits of supporting the green transition and strengthening social inclusion, notably under the Action Plan to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights”
SEE also welcomes the Commission’s efforts to ensure coherence by taking a holistic approach in its policy making, ensuring a link between the Circular Economy Action Plan and the Action Plan for the Social Economy expected for the second half of 2021.
SEE President commented: “Both the Industry Package and the Circular Economy Action Plan demonstrate that the social economy is an essential player of our European social narket economy, bringing diversity and combining economic efficiency with societal-centred objectives. Furthermore, these initiatives pave the way for the co-construction of a successful European Action Plan for the Social Economy, unlocking social economy’s full potential for a more dynamic and innovative EU economy, working for people and the planet”.