From Grow Remote Ireland:
We’re Hiring!
Thanks to our funders in Enterprise Ireland (REDF), Western Development Commission and Social Entrepreneurs Ireland, we’re hiring for our first full time role.
If you have experience in community development and/or remote working, and want to see people work, live, and participate locally, we’d encourage you to apply.
The role is for a period of 3 years and during that time you’ll hire in your own team. |
Our Impact To Date
On a volunteer effort, thanks to the support of so many people, community groups, government agencies and private companies, we’ve delivered:
1.5 million+ engaged online
Empowered 120+ chapters across 17 countries
206+ events ran in local communities making remote work local.
10,000 people have engaged offline at workshops in local communities.
- 6,779 email requests answered regarding remote
- 1 community built free remote jobs board with 20,000 views and 2,000 applications over 3 months
12,547 messages sent in Slack where the community are getting to know one another
200 people trained in the skill of remote, followed by Ireland’s first national training course.
45 one to one sessions with companies on the transition to remote
20 managers trained in the skill of managing remote teams
93,075 cups of coffee fuelling the community!
Our Culture
For the founding team the first 1.5 years were a whirlwind, only catapulted by Covid-19.
Although we delivered at pace, we have always strived to maintain a happy work culture. This is something that will continue into the next phase, driven by the board of directors.
Changing Ireland is hard, but there are few things more rewarding than delivering equal access to employment opportunity and hearing the stories of how that impacts a variety of people.
We’re very excited to welcome the next General Manager into the fold.