From our friends in Social Economy Europe:

New technologies and digitisation: opportunities and challenges for the social economy and social enterprises

The Commission’s study, published on 6th October, explores whether, why, how, and to what extent the integration of digital technologies affects the design and delivery of new and/or better social and societal impacts by social economy enterprises and organisations. A number of digitally enabled social economy initiatives in four EU countries (Greece, Italy, The Netherlands and the UK) are identified and interviewed in the publication.

Four main policy areas are identifies as a means for the social economy to further develop new technologies and digitisation:

1. Access to resources for research and innovation, market and revenue streams;
2. Education and training to improve the employees/employers’ and users’ digital skills;
3. Promotion of collaboration between social economy enterprises and organisations as well as with stakeholders, traditional businesses, universities, public authorities etc.;
4. Harmonisation of legal definitions across EU, adapted regulations to emerging technologies, platforms and sectors.

The study puts a spotlight on the need for industrial, innovation and digitalisation policies to be designed taking the social economy into account – going beyond traditional businesses.

Read the study here!