Today is the last day to register for the workshop Social Economy and youth entrepreneurship for a sustainable recovery, to be held on Tuesday 2 March 2021 from 10:00 to 12:00 CET, in the framework of the Civil Society Days 2021.

Please find the final agenda here

Registrations are open here until today at midnight. 

This webinar is co-organised by Social Economy Europe and Cooperatives Europe -in cooperation with the EESC– and will serve to showcase the experiences of young social economy entrepreneurs, educators and teachers, policy makers and social economy support organisations.

Moderated by Heleen Heysse (Cooperatives Europe) and Victor Meseguer (SEE) the event will gather policy makers as MEPs Alicia Homs and Brando Benifei, European Commission heads of unit Ann Branch (DG EMPL) and Ulla Engelmann; Social Economy representatives Juan Antonio Pedreño (SEE), Jean-Louis Bancel (Coops Europe) and Giuseppe Guerini (CECOP); and young educators, activits and entrepreneurs Ana Aguirre(TAZEBAEZ), Caroline Ferguson (L’ESPER), Nicolás Dimarco (FATTIC) and Petro Darmoris (Ukrainian Social Academy).

Join us next Tuesday, join the Social Economy revolution.

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