Carmichael have been working with TU Dublin to develop an accredited development programme, specifically designed for charity trustees that will equip them with the knowledge, insight, and confidence to provide effective governance of their charities. We are currently in the programme design stage, but we see the programme being built around the governance code principles and consisting of topics such as the Charities Act, the Companies Act, governance, trustee responsibilities & dynamics, planning, financial oversight, reporting, performance management, communications, and risk management.
To assist our feasibility assessment for the development of A Certified Charity Trustee Programme, we wish to get an understanding of the likely interest/demand for the programme. We would be grateful if you could complete this short survey.
Recent media coverage of serious governance failures by charity boards and the publication by the CRA of an Inspector’s Report into governance failures in ChildFund Ireland reveal poor oversight and accountability by the trustees in those charities. The complexity and the expectations on the role of a charity trustee has increased significantly in recent years. This has been driven primarily, by the establishment of the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA), increased governance requirements from funders and the mandatory compliance with the Charities Governance Code from 1 January 2021.
In the course of our work as a leading provider of governance support and guidance to charities, Carmichael comes across charity trustees who are insufficiently aware of their roles and duties and their implications as trustees and who are ill equipped to perform their roles. We offer a range of short training courses and other resources to help improve the situation and are seeing growing demand for our services as more and more charities trustees realise the importance of being more aware of their roles and responsibilities. While we strongly believe that our short training courses are very helpful in improving trustee awareness and understanding of their responsibilities, we also feel that there is a need for a more comprehensive and in-depth training course to better equip trustees to perform their roles.
If you could complete this short survey, it would be very helpful to us in ensuring that we develop a programme that is of interest and relevance to the sector.
We would be grateful if you could forward this email to others you think might be interested in participating in the survey
Le dea-mhéin/Kind regards
Diarmaid Ó Corrbuí