We are delighted to announce that we will be celebrating its official launch with a special live stream event on Wednesday 15 September from 10am-10.55am.

The webpage, which will host the stream, is now live and you can view it HERE

This page includes further details on the 15 September event, including an agenda, as well as an ‘On Demand’ content section featuring three additional PEACE IV funded project videos, ‘Sport Uniting Communities’, ‘Listen, Share, Change’ and Collaboration and Sharing in Education (CASE). These are just three of the over 22,500 peace and reconciliation projects across Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland, which are contained within the Platform.

Accessing Issues

We are aware that some of you may be experiencing difficulties accessing the launch webpage due to internal IT restrictions. If so, we would kindly ask that you check with your IT department to grant you the necessary access in advance of the 15 September. (Alternatively, you may want to access the launch webpage through your own personal devices)

Please note: a recording of the live stream will be available on our You Tube channel after the event and will be included in our post-event survey.


Kind regards,

Communications Team

The Special EU Programmes Body