Several ENSIE members, Galileo Progetti, ISEN and RES were partners in the Erasmus + FULL LIFE project and took part in the final meeting in Brussels on September 22nd and 23rd. They participated to this project along with ARCA Cooperativa Sociale (Italy); Associacao Nova Aurora Na Reabilitae Reintegracao Psicosocial ANARP(Portugal) ; Caritas Sabac Udruzenje (Serbia) and Institut de l’entreprise et de l’innovation sociale (France)

The project stemmed from the fact that the EU promotes the active inclusion and full participation of disabled people in society, in line with the EU human rights approach to disability issues. This approach is also at the core of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which affirms that persons with disabilities are entitled to live independently in their communities, to make their own choices and to play an active role in society. Every person deserves sufficient standards of protection for civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights, including persons with disabilities, on the basis of inclusion, equality and non-discrimination. FULL LIFE contribution concerns the different areas identified by the EU Strategy: participation, equality, employment, education, training, social protection.

You can find a short video presenting the project here:

Final publication is available here :

The meeting was hosted by the association and think tank PLS – Pour la Solidarité and aimed to share the results of the project at European level. During the meeting, the members of the project consortium had the possibility to meet ENSIE, who received the key message from project partners and contributed to the discussions with a presentation on “WISEs contribution to the inclusion of people with support needs:  a focus on the EU Disability Strategy 2021 – 2030” by Aziza Yussupova


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