From SEE

On Wednesday 8 February 2023 the plenary of the European Committe of the Regions (CoR), one of the EU’s main consultative bodies alongsise the EESC, adopted the opinion Creating an enabling environment for the social economy – the local and regional perspective, whose rapporteur was Ricardo Rio, Mayor of Braga (EPP, PT).

This opinion demonstrates the strong interest of cities and regional authorities on social economy and acknowledges its importance for the society, recognizing the importance of a vibrant social economy ecosystem for a sustainable development model in all territories

Ricardo Rio, Mayor of Braga and CoR member (EPP, PT)

The opinion, thayt you can find here, fully endorses the European Commission’s Action plan for the social economy (2021), the updated EU Industrial strategy that identifies the social economy and proximity as one of the 14 industrial ecosystems for Europe’s recovery and resilience, as well as the Transition Pathway on Proximity and Social Economy.

The CoR points out the importance of providing updated data on the social economy in Europe, providing also a common methodology for its collection, in line with the work recently launched by the Commission, and with the good practices of countries as Portugal that already have national social economy satellite accounts, embracing the wholde diversity of the social economy. The Committee also “challenges the EU institutions, the Member States and the local and regional authorities to develop a joint Plan for the Promotion of the social economy” in permanent dialogue with social economy representatives.

Among other policy proposals, the CoR calls to establish clear guidelines on a specifix taxation and state aid regime for the social economy, urges the EU to develop a taxonomy of social investments, in line with the damands of the market and with the importance of further mobilising social investments, and calls on the Commission to appoint -on a yearly basis- a European Social Economy Capital to strengthen the visibility of the social economy and its contribution to the development of local communities.

We welcome this excellent CoR opinion. Social economy enterprises never delocalise, and reinvest most of their profits in the local communities. The social economy is strongly linked to proximity. It is the economy that Europe needs to strengthen its resilience, cohesion, innovation and strategic autonomy.

Juan Antonio Pedreño, President of Social Economy Europe.