Dear colleagues,

We’re pleased to announce that the World Bank Group is bringing a second delivery of the free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Citizen Engagement to be launched on February 1.

Following a successful offering to over 16,000 participants around the world earlier in 2015, this latest version of the course in February would include a new, exciting fifth module that looks at Citizen Engagement in practice. Developed jointly by LLI and the Citizen Engagement Secretariat, this free 5-week course, is hosted by the world’s leading MOOC platform Coursera through the World Bank Group Open Learning Campus, envisioned as a single destination for development learning.  It has been developed in partnership with the London School of Economics (LSE), the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Participedia, and CIVICUS.

We invite you to register for the course and join the conversation:   #citizensengage

The course is taught by a number of leading experts in this field, including Beth Noveck, John Gaventa, Rakesh Rajani, Danny Sriskandarajah, and Jonathan Fox.

This version of the popular course would feature practitioners implementing different Citizen Engagement approaches in various sectors including water, health, and education in Ghana and Kenya. They discuss how Citizen Engagement tools and mechanisms are adapted for their specific country context and sector while examining practical challenges and lessons learned. We also look at Korea’s innovative approach to involving citizens in the audit of public services.

We encourage you to spread the word to your organization and networks. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at for any questions or additional materials.

Thank you very much, and we look forward to your participation!

Citizen Engagement MOOC Team