Social Enterprises and the New Children’s Hospital Bid

Whatever your opinion on the hospital to be built on the St. James’s campus, there is one thing that makes this build stand out from all other projects, it’s focus on community benefit clauses. These clauses essentially allow for the hospital to include social impact and benefit in their supply chains.

There a number of approaches to social enterprise development as listed below:

  • Direct tender: Existing social enterprises directly tendering for contracts with the New Children’s Hospital Build
  • Joint tender: Existing social enterprises team up with private enterprises to compete for contracts jointly
  • New Social Enterprise Formation: New social enterprises are formed to meet the needs of the NCH and surrounding communities
  • Social Franchising: Social Franchising is used in the development of new social enterprises
  • External development: As in, social enterprise will be developed but will have no direct contracts from the hospital, but may lead to opportunities connected to the hospital such as educational support or additional car parking facilities, hotels and accommodation etc.

The Irish Social Enterprise Network have helped work with the communities in the area to push for social enterprise development and we are not stopping there. We want to see incredible social enterprises flourish.

If you have anything that you would be able to add, want to comment on our approach and give your insight, please don’t hesitate to contact us through the website.

We don’t want this opportunity to pass us by.

Chris Gordon, Chair