The Social Enterprise Training Course is designed to help Social Entrepreneurs and people involved in social enterprises to learn key skills and develop their expertise in 4 core areas. The core areas of the course are: Management, Sales, Marketing and Finance.
Each session will be delivered by an Expert Tutor and will involve discussion, exercises and relevant tool development. The course involves 4 sessions 09:30 -13:30 and will include a light lunch afterwards.
The course is limited to 16 participants. Please book early to guarantee your place.
The sessions and dates are below. (Please note that session topic dates may switch)
Date Time Topic Tutor
04.07.2017 09:30-13:30 Management Chris MM Gordon (Chair and Co-Founder – Irish Social Enterprise Network)
11.07.2017 09:30-13:30 Finance Sheila Ryder (Business Trainer & Mentor)
18.07.2017 09:30-13:30 Sales Rita Sharkey (Expert Tutor)
25.07.2017 09:30-13:30 Marketing Margaret Dorgan (Expert Tutor)
The venue for the course is: Conference Room 4 – Local Enterprise Office Dublin City | Dublin City Council | Block 4, Floor 1| Civic Offices | Wood Quay | Dublin 8. D08 RF3F.
The course is part of the commitment from Dublin City – Social Enterprise Committee to support social enterprises and their development in the city. It has adopted a strategic approach which includes:
– Identifying specific areas of need and opportunity for social enterprise as an opportunity for co-creation within the council area.
– Reviewing suitable business sectors for Social Enterprise particularly strong growth sectors that have a developed ecosystem and that have significant scale or potential to grow in Dublin City.
The course is subsidised by: Local Enterprise Office – Dublin City and Dublin City Council. It is supported by: Inner City Enterprise; Northside Partnership; DCU; NorDubCo; Carmichael Centre; St. Andrews Resource Centre; Irish Social Enterprise Network.