8 Tuesday evenings 6pm to 9pm, Starting Tuesday 12th Sept 2017
A course by Dave Dunn, in partnership with Connect the Dots
It’s designed to help anybody developing their practice of working with groups to get a solid grip on a framework for approaching the job, and some really good practical tips. So, think of someone who has already begun to lead in group settings – perhaps teams in work; or schools parents associations; or community group committees; or delivering training; or managing volunteers in groups, etc.
In spring 2017 we had representatives from: iq Branding Solutions, Queens of Neon, Microsoft, Hubspot, Big O Media, Fuinneamh, Alchemy Maketing, The Yoga Hub, and Connect the Dots
It’s got the exercises to be successful and the tricks to disarm. 
It gives you confidence and will greatly improve your skills of achieving the best outcome of any conversation, brainstorm, meeting or conflict resolution. Brilliant!
Sharon Green, Queens of Neon
Once you start, you realise how much in life is facilitating and being facilitated.
Marc Rafferty, Alchemy Marketing
It’s a safe space to learn and discover your own facilitation style in your own time.
Aimee Banks, Hubspot
Brilliant course for the tools and practice of facilitation. Also great fun.
Richard Harris, Big O Media
A key advantage of this course is the mix in the participant group. There will be backgrounds from private industry, public sector, not-for-profit and self-employed / creatives on board: all willing and eager to share their experiences and expertise. Also, there will be an opportunity to put what we cover into practice, as Connect the Dots have offered us the opportunity to facilitate at one of their events.
I’m considering putting on an additional course date: three full days on Sundays in October (1st, 8th and 15th). I’ve attached here the course info for this mid-week (Tuesday evening) course starting in September.
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