From Irish GECES Representation

Subject: Call for Papers to assess the contribution of SSE to inclusive and sustainable development

Dear GECES participants,

The United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE), is launching a Call for Papers to assess the contribution of SSE to inclusive and sustainable development, with a particular emphasis on local contexts. Organized by UNRISD, in its role as coordinator of the Task Force’s recently established Knowledge Hub, the Call for Papers aims to identify and mobilize research from different regions and territories that critically examines the role of SSE as a means of implementation for the SDGs.

The full details of the Call are on the UNTFSSE website:

We ask you to please share this widely within your respective networks so as to have the largest reach possible.

Best regards,

Social Economy Secretariat

European Commission

DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Unit F2/Cluster, Social Economy and Entrepreneurship

N105 8/89

B-1049 Brussels/Belgium

+32 2 298.45.16