Entrepreneurship Challenge 2019 is a collaboration between Technological University Dublin, Dublin City Council and Local Enterprise Office – Dublin City which matches micro / small-medium enterprises and social enterprises in Dublin with teams of Final Year or Masters Level – Entrepreneurship Students

The students will work in teams of 4-5 with selected enterprises to help provide insights, identify opportunities and propose bespoke solutions to challenges that the enterprises face. They will present a Business Development Plan for your enterprise at the end of the project. 

The types of entrepreneurship challenges that the students can work on include: innovation, new product/service development, business development, opportunity identification and evaluation, commercialisation, and new venture creation.

There is no cost to the enterprise and intellectual property rights and confidentiality are protected

The programme will run from February – April 2019 and would involve you meeting with the team 4 times (1 hr meetings) over the 7 weeks.

For further information on the benefits to you and the project, please visit:


To apply:
