Fill out the form at:
Does your initiative / organisation have an economic, social, cultural or environmental mission that aims to benefit Dublin’s North East Inner City? If so, we want to invite you to please complete this Social Economy and Social Enterprise mapping survey by July 31st.
Why the NEIC is launching this survey?
Collaboration Ireland is undertaking a social enterprise mapping exercise and study on behalf of Dublin City Council’s North East Inner City (NEIC) Task Force to understand what social enterprises and social economy initiatives or organisations (including community and voluntary groups) are benefitting the public and the communities of the north east inner city or nearby today, and to assess what opportunities there are to grow the sector in future. This work fits into a new tailored Social Enterprise Plan being developed for Dublin’s NEIC, and builds on the 2017 Mulvey Report; a key recommendation of which was to support the growth of social enterprise and social economy initiatives in the NEIC.
The results of this survey will be used to:
- Highlight how social enterprises and social economy initiatives / organisations are currently making an impact in Dublin’s north east inner city (or in areas nearby)
- Inform policymakers about some of the biggest barriers that prevent social enterprises and social economy initiatives or organisation from making a bigger impact
- Identify the kinds of supports and policy changes that could make a difference for social enterprise and social economy initiatives / organisations to help support them to sustain or grow their activities in future
The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete, and by responding to it respondents will ensure that their priorities and needs are heard and used to inform the NEIC’s Social Enterprise Plan.
We would also be most appreciative if you could help us get the word out about the study by forwarding this email to any relevant contacts in your network or by sharing news about it on social media (using the hashtag #NEICsocentplan).
If you have any questions related to the study please contact or
Many thanks in advance for your support