The Irish Social Enterprise Network welcomes the launch of the Department of Rural and Community Development National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland 2019 – 2022.

The Irish Social Enterprise Network has played a crucial role in the formation of the policy from its earliest conception and are proud to represent the voice of trading social enterprises in all of our interactions with this policy. It is of particular pride, that many of the submissions that were made to the Department of Rural and Community Development included changes sought by the Irish Social Enterprise Network membership and wider network that have lead to substantial and meaningful changes to the policy.

The Network are keen to work with the Department to develop on the recommendations of the Policy and have already set in motion positive developments for the sector. We encourage all of our membership and wider networks to continue to support us in our work to bring voice and advocacy for trading social enterprises in Ireland.

The Irish Social Enterprise Network was established to connect social enterprises together so that they might best share information and get pointed in the right direction to get their ideas off the ground, or take their organisation to the next level. Throughout our time, we have evolved to play a more leading role in representing the wider views of social enterprise. In the past year, the network has taken the brave step to welcome membership and this membership has grown. Our national reach and our approach to sustainable growth have lead us to steadily become the largest social enterprise network in Ireland. We hope to build on the good work of the National Policy to further give voice to more diverse and wider social enterprises in Ireland to a national and international audience.

ISEN are proud to work with teh DRCD on the National Policy Objectives.

Policy Objective 1:

Building Awareness of Social Enterprise

Policy Objective 2:

Growing and Strengthening Social Enterprise

Policy Objective 3:

Achieving Better Policy Alignment

The Irish Social Enterprise Network recognise the challeges of definitions but fully support the departments view of social enterprise criteria.

We would like to thank all of the network and affiliate organisations including our social enterprises, our voluteers and our board for the dedication to the cause for the past few years. We look forward to continuing to grow and see Ireland’s social enterprise landscape flourish.