2019 Pro Bono Day Ireland

On behalf of A&L Goodbody, Arthur Cox, PILA (the Public Interest Law Alliance) and TrustLaw you are invited to the first Pro Bono Day Ireland on Tuesday, 5 November. They will take part in the inaugural European Pro Bono Week from 4-8 November 2019, with pro bono themed events taking place across nine cities including Paris, Madrid, Milan and Amsterdam. Together we will celebrate and highlight the contribution that lawyers make in providing free legal assistance to those most in need.


Legal health check – Is your house in order?

Not-for-profits and social enterprises are invited to free legal training on a variety of areas of law and legal skills relevant to the day-to-day operation of your organisation. The session will be interactive in nature, with two main components. Firstly, simulating a ‘Day in the Life’ of a not-for-profit, a panel of legal experts from Arthur Cox and A&L Goodbody will share their insights on the relevant law and how to respond. Attendees will then have an opportunity to join lawyers in a more in-depth conversation on the following areas of law: data protection, employment, charity law and commercial negotiation. Early registration is advised as spaces are limited.

10:00-12:00pm, 5 November
(registration from 9:30am with tea and coffee served on arrival)

Arthur Cox, Ten Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin





Pro Bono Reception – Celebration of successes and developments

Join us to celebrate recent pro bono achievements and hear more about how your law firm or in-house team can get involved in pro bono legal work. A panel of Irish speakers will be joined by Wendy Young, President of KIND (Kids in Need of Defense), to discuss developments in pro bono practice and partnerships in Ireland.

Founded in 2008 by Brad Smith, Microsoft President and Chief Legal Officer and UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie, Kids in Need of Defense seeks to address the gap in legal services for unaccompanied children in the US and; more recently Europe.

There will also be opportunity to meet with colleagues and legal NGOs to explore ways in which we can better collaborate to respond to unmet legal need at the NGO Marketplace.

6:30pm-8:30pm, 5 November
(registration from 6:00pm, wine and canapés will be served)

A&L Goodbody, 28 Northwall Quay, IFSC, Dublin 1

Eligible for CPD