From our partners in ENSIE:


With the “ENSIE WISE Manager Award”, ENSIE aims to celebrate and recognize managerial innovative practices in WISE (Work Integration Social Enterprise). Following our “Workers’ messages campaign”, we would like to highlight innovative work methodologies, for exemple managerial, logistical and human resources, and their effects on workers. Those success stories should be easily replicated in other WISEs and in other countries.

The applicants must submit short videos, pictures or any other visual communication tool describing their enterprise and explaining why they are innovatives, the impact of their practice on workers and the transferability potential.

Who can apply

Any WISE manager, whether an ENSIE member or not.

We consider as WISE any enterprise whose identifying principles are :

  • The social and professional integration of individuals who due to their exclusion and their relegation to a marginal role in society have fallen victim to increasing social and professional handicaps.

  • Enterprises at the core of the economic system, frequently one of the major factors in the phenomenon of exclusion.

  • Enterprises with a strong pedagogical dimension. The WISEs initiate training and educational programs designed on the basis of existing potential of the target group and develop this individual potential (at professional level and in its participation in society within the enterprise).

We consider as a manager, any person who is in charge of managing a WISE, a branch or a WIISE department.

Application process

Applicants must submit a short video, 2 mn maximum (mp4 or avi), pictures or any other visual communication tools in which they must present their enterprise and highlight the following points :

  • What innovative practices do you implement ?

  • What is the measured impact?

  • What is its potential of transferability?

They should also send the Application form and the Consent form duly completed.

Applications must be submitted before 30th October 2019 at 5 pm via email or WeTransfer (if there is a video) to :

Selection criteria

A jury of experts will select the winner of the competition based on the following criteria:

  • Innovation factor;

  • Impact on the workers;

  • Transferability.


The results will be proclaimed on the 15h November during the ENSIE transnational public event in Budapest and the three finalists will be invited to make a presentation.

The three finalists will have their travel paid to Budapest (HU) where the winner will be proclaimed.

We will inform the three finalists on the 5th November October.

Further requisites

Candidates must be available to take part in our Budapest public event on 14th and 15th November 2019 where the winner will receive its award.


EWMA – Rules

EWMA – Application Form

EWMA – Consent Form