Information from the Companies Registration Office:

To: All live companies on the CRO Register*:

Please ignore this email if your company has already registered its beneficial ownership details with the Register of Beneficial Ownership (RBO).

  • Companies incorporated on or before 22 June 2019 have until Friday 22 NOVEMBER 2019 to file their data with the RBO without being in breach of their statutory duty to file.
  • Companies incorporated since 22 June 2019 have five months from the date of incorporation to file with the RBO.
  • Failure to comply with these deadlines may result in the company being prosecuted and fined.
  • What you need to file with the RBO
    • Name,
    • Date of Birth,
    • PPSN,
    • Residential address,
    • Nationality
    • Details of nature and extent of interest held / control exercised by each beneficial owner
    • Date on which the beneficial owner was first entered into the company’s internal register.
  • Please ensure that you have this information available before you start to file and that the First Name, Last Name, PPSN and DOB, exactly match the data held by Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP) for that person .
  • Filing of beneficial ownership data can only be done through an online portal in the RBO website –
  • Filing is free.

Common reasons why RBO submissions fail to register

To-date, the most common reasons for a submission to be rejected is that one or more of the following details do not match the details held by the DEASP  for that person:

  • First Name,
  • Last Name,
  • PPSN and/or
  • Date of Birth.

In relation to name mis-matches, common errors are:
– Using maiden name instead of married name and vice versa ,
– Using middle name in everyday usage, but this does not match the First Name registered with DEASP (Paul Smith vs Michael Paul Smith),
– Using shortened versions of a name (Des/Desmond)
– Using variations of a name (Bridget/Breege, Ted/Edward) ,
– Using Irish version of a name, when English version is registered with DEASP (Ruairí /Rory) ,
– Using English version of a name, when Irish version is registered with DEASP (Eileen/Eibhlínn) ,

Before entering details for a beneficial owner, please ensure that you are using the same First Name, Last Name, PPSN and Date of Birth that are registered with the DEASP for that person.

If the details entered in the RBO do not exactly match DEASP’s records, the submission will be rejected. See also FAQ 14.1 in

The details held by DEASP can be checked by the beneficial owner contacting DEASP at

Further information on the RBO can be found at:

Yours sincerely,

The Registrar of Beneficial Ownership of Companies and Industrial & Provident Societies

* The requirement to file beneficial ownership details with the RBO do not apply to a company –
(a) listed on a regulated market that is subject to disclosure requirements consistent with the law of the European Union, or
(b) subject to equivalent international standards which ensure adequate transparency of ownership information.