Statement on the COVID-19 pandemic and new initiatives to help fight against coronavirus

Dear all,

As Europe and the world are facing a historic crisis with the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone at Diesis Network wishes to express its solidarity with all our community and everyone affected by the containment measures. As we have re-organised our way of working, thanks to modern technology, our commitment and motivation for social economy and social entrepreneurship is still present, maybe even stronger.

We also bear in mind the privilege we have to be able to work from home, unlike many other workers who still need to go out everyday to continue their activity. We particularly think about medical staff, personal household services, agri-food workers, food delivery services, cashiers and many other professions that do not have the opportunity to stop their daily commute for now.

The economic consequences of the crisis are still unknown, as financial institutions and states are launching several programmes to help support the global economy. Efforts are also occurring on a local and regional level, and in this regard Diesis Network would like to thank all social economy workers and social enterprises for their continuous work helping people in need.

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