From our partners: Social Economy Europe

We are collectively facing a difficult time. This is why SEE members have raised their voices to send a message of solidarity and hope to all social economy enterprises and organisations, their members and workers and to all citizens. Social Economy Europe, its members and partners, are here for you. We’re here to listen to your needs and demands, to convey your messages to policy-makers and  make sure that you receive appropriate support from public authorities.

Filipa Farelo (CASES), Sarah Goddard (AMICE), Sergiu Gurau (ENSIE), Aurora Prospero (FEBEA), Peru Sasia (FEBEA), Luigi Martignetti (REVES), Jérôme Saddier (ESS-France), Oscar Verlinden (EMN), Patrizia Bussi(ENSIE), Aurélie Chompret (IPSE) and Juan Antonio Pedreño (SEE and CEPES) are part of this video. Discover their messages, activities and proposals to support social economy actors and build a more democratic, sustainable, fair and resilient future.

Join the social economy movement to build a more democratic economy that works for people and the planet!