From our Partners in Social Economy Europe

The Social Economy Intergroup online hearing on Co-designing the European Action Plan for the Social Economy, as a leverage for the Economic and Social Recovery of Europe, took place on Tuesday 2 June 2020 from 3pm to almost 7pm.

With 23 high-level speakers and over 400 participants from all over the European Union, this online event was the most attended Social Economy Intergroup public hearing ever. The event was the result of a close cooperation between the European Parliament’s Social Economy Intergroup and Social Economy Europe.

The discussions were centred around the social economy experiences and responses to the Covid19 crisis as well as the contributions the social economy can bring to the economic and social recovery of Europe. For this to become a reality, Europe’s recovery Plan #NextGenerationEU, a strengthened European budget 2021-2027 and the European Action Plan for the Social Economy will be launched by the European Commission in 2021.

An in depth report of the online event and the speaker’s presentations can be found here.

The full video of the hearing is available here.