We are delighted to welcome you to the next webinar on Becoming Social and Circular with Claire Downey, Executive of the Community Resources Network Ireland.
The Irish Social Enterprise Network are providing Lunchtime Webinar talks every 2nd Tuesday at 13:00. Every fortnight, we will invite a guest speaker to talk about issues that our social enterprises are interested in finding out more about.
We are delighted to invite Claire Downey to our next webinar for a lunchtime talk on ‘Becoming Social and Circular’
Claire Downey is National Executive with Community Resources Network Ireland, an all-Ireland umbrella body representing community based reuse, repair and recycling organisations funded by the EPA under the National Waste Prevention Programme. In this role, she is responsible for supporting CRNI members and helping to mainstream reuse and recycling through policy and research. Claire has over 14 years experience in the resources sector and sits on the National Waste Prevention Committee, National Waste Advisory Group, and is a board member with the Green Foundation Ireland.
During the talk, Claire will give an overview on how social enterprises can incorporate circular economy principles into your social enterprise.
Claire will bring us some wisdom and advice for 15 mins or so and take any questions you might have after.
Register for the 14th July 2020 event when selecting a date. All webinars are hosted through Zoom.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/lunchtime-webinars-social-enterprise-tickets-110244947606