A message from the EU Commission:

Dear GECES participants,

It is our pleasure to inform you on behalf of DG EMPL, that the call for proposals “Competence centres for social innovation” (VP/2020/010) has been published on 20 July with a submission deadline of 15 October 2020.

It is available via this link: https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?langId=en&catId=629&callId=604&furtherCalls=yes

This call supports the setting up national competence centres for social innovation in EU member states. These competence centres are expected to support social innovation stakeholders through capacity building, knowledge transfer, networking and synergies, both in the context of ESF/ESF+ funding as well as more broadly.

The call for proposal is open for trans-national consortia, which shall support the creation and start of such a competence centres in at least three EU Member States. The call offers two different options for the consortia to meet this minimum geographic requirement.

An important particularity is that for every EU Member State from which the consortium has applicants or co-applicants, it must include at least one Managing Authority of the European Social Fund,  or an entity which has been recognised as the national competence centre for social innovation by the national ESF managing authority. (For the purpose of this call, the national managing authority is the entity represented by the full member of the ESF Committee.)

We ask the national ESF managing authorities to carefully consider which organisation – or a group/network of them – is best placed to assume the role of a national competence centre for social innovation in the country and on this basis endorse only one organisation or network for this function.

We encourage you to disseminate the information about this call to relevant stakeholders. The documentation includes a form to facilitate partners search for the purpose of this call.

A webinar to inform potential applicants about the call will take place on 28. July from 10.30 till 12.00. Inscriptions to participate in the webinar shall be sent by 27. July  at 12.00 am at the latest by email to empl-vp-2020-010@ec.europa.eu.

Any questions about the call shall be sent by email to: empl-vp-2020-010@ec.europa.eu.

Best regards,

GECES Secretariat