From our friends in ENSIE:

Inclusion of Young People: EU policies & WISEs contribution

Monday, 28th of September 2020 – 10:00 am-11:00 am (EN)

Presentation summary:

On the 1st July 2020, the European Commission presented the “Youth Employment Support: a Bridge to Jobs for the Next Generation” package which aims to support young people who are entering the labour market. Its initiatives build on the Commission’s ambitious recovery plan which provide numerous and significant EU financing opportunities for youth employment so that all Member States can invest in young people.

WISEs have an important role in the inclusion of the youth through work. Among their target groups we find young people and above all NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), they develop specific programs and opportunities for them. In this regard, they are concerned by the latest EU policy developments on the subject and should be considered as actors in the sector.

The Youth Employment Support package is built around four strands that together provide a bridge to jobs for the next generation:

  • a reinforced Youth Guarantee

  • a future-proof vocational education and training

  • a renewed impetus for apprenticeships

  • a number of additional measures to support youth employment.

This webinar will allow you to better understand the evolution of the EU policy landscape in what concerns the inclusion and support of young people. It will also present WISEs roles in the inclusion of young people, their challenges at the national level as well as their claims! Finally, ENSIE will present its position and the next steps we intend to take in this area.

Plan of the session:

1.       The inclusion of young people: EU policy landscape from A to Z

2.       WISEs role in the inclusion of young people

3.       ENSIE work and positions

4.       Q&A session