Digital Education & Training

Youth at the Heart of the Social Economy

Join us in January for our fifth #Roadmap event on `Digital education & Training –
Youth at the heart of the social economy´on Thursday, 29 January 2021.

In her political guidelines, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen highlighted the need to unlock the potential of digital technologies for learning and teaching and to develop digital skills for all. Education and training are key for personal fulfilment, social cohesion, economic growth and innovation. The Digital Education Action Plan outlines the European Commission’s vision for high-quality, inclusive and accessible digital education in Europe.

With our #RoadtoMannheim event on “Digital education & training – Youth at the heart of the social economy” we want to strengthen cooperation at European level and discuss how we can learn from the COVID-19 crisis and make education and training systems fit for the digital age.

We offer you the great opportunity to exchange ideas with absolute experts in this field, to learn from their experiences and to contribute your ideas and questions yourself. All #Roadmap events focus on networking and mutual exchange. Register and experience the #socialeconomy community up close.




“Social Economy 4 Sustainable Education
and #TransitionToWork”

The workshop “Social Economy 4 Sustainable Education and #TransitionToWork” will be hosted by the panelists

> Jan Wilker, Project Manager – StartNet – Goethe-Institut
> Gesa Spätling – Project Officer – StartNet, Goethe-Institut
> Heike Fleischmann, Head of department – City of Mannheim

The assumption is that education is key to reduce poverty, inequalities & to a sustainable future. This is the mission of StartNet, a social economy partnership between Stiftung Mercator & Goethe-Institut. If you want to learn more about the topic, register here for the event and join the discussion:


“Empowering Learners by Embracing a
Complexity Orientated Learning Approach”

To build capacity towards resolving the #SDGs, a better understanding of how complex social challenges can be influenced and co-driven by education is required. Education providers need to open up to new learning pathways. This session presents a dynamic teaching and learning systematic for complexity-orientated learning that supports learners in their capability to promote changes in complexity. The following speakers introduce us to this approach:

>Paul Beenen, Principal Lecturer – Hanze University of Applied Sciences, UNESCO Chair in Futures Literacy
> Maria Nordheim Alme, Associate Professor – Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
> Joost van Wijchen, Senior Lecturer – HAN University of Applied Sciences
> Matthias Guett, Managing Director – SPIN Sport Innovation

They will bring you closer to the topic, discuss it with you and certainly set new impulses. Be part of the #SocialEconomyCommunity and exchange ideas with participants from all over Europe.