Dear friends, dear interested,
a fair, social and green digital transition is high on the European agenda. In the just signed EU Recovery Plan, 20% of the total 672.5 Billion Euros are earmarked for fostering the digital transition. Social economy can play a major role here. Co-operative solutions can be more effective and more secure than proprietary approaches in the digital space as Linux and Wikipedia have forcefully demonstrated. It is inherently inefficient to create scarcity by unneccessary pricing when sharing has a marginal cost of zero. There are also interesting examples when it comes to providing the necessary digital skills of social economy employees as well as in creating new concepts like platform cooperatives, digital social services, e-healthcare and many others.
As Social Economy Intergroup in the European Parliament, together with Social Economy Europe, we invite high-level social economy actors, decision makers and the interested public to learn and discuss the crucial role social economy plays in the digital transition and what more can be done.
Date: Thursday, 18/2/2021 11 am CET
Speakers include: Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights,Juan Antonio Pedreño, President of SEE, Patrizia Toia, MEP, Sven Giegold, MEP, Giuseppe Guerini, President of CECOP, Laura Peracaula, Co-Director-General of Suara Cooperative; Sibylle Reichert, Director of AIM (International Association of Healthcare Mutuals), Jordi Cañas, MEP (tbc) and Lina GálvezMEP.
The event will be presented and moderated by Heather Roy, Secretary General of Eurodiaconia and member of SEE Board of Directors.
Interpretation will be provided in English, Italian and Spanish. You can find the full agenda here.
I am looking forward to discussing with you. Please also share the invitation with all that might be interested.
With European greetings,
Sven Giegold