From Social Economy Europe

The future of EU policies for Social Economy:
an economy that works for people & the planet

This week, the European Commission launched a roadmap – a form public consultation- on the European Action Plan for the Social Economy, that will be relesed by the end of this year.

Today, Social Economy Europe presents its policy paper Co-designing the Action Plan for the Social Economy: for an economy that works for people and the planet, that has been elaborated in cooperation with our growing network of 16 members and four external partners

SEE invites the whole social economy community -networks, representative organisations, entrepreneurs, members of social economy enterprises, support centres, activists, researchers, public authorities engaged in the promotion of the social economy etc.- to actively participate in this roadmap.  Have Your Say on the future of EU policies for the Social Economy! You can do so in any of the 24 official languages of the EU.

Please find here SEE proposals
Please find  here the link to the roadmap


SEE proposals for an effective European Action Plan for the Social Economy 


Social Economy Europe’s policy paper contains 7 areas of prioritary EU action to support the growth of the social economy and 51 concrete action proposals, all them aimed at achieving 3 major objectives

– Mobilise social economy’s potential to contribute to the recovery and to economic and social progress of the EU:  boosting the creation of quality jobs by the the social economy, supporting social economy entrepreneurship to strengthen the industrial capacity of Europe, as well as strengthening social economy’s contribution to key objectives as the green and digital transitions; expanding welfare and social protection and making sure that we collectively build a Union in which no one is left behind. 

Promote the convergence and coordination of the different public authorities involved in the promotion of the social economy by defining strategic objectives, key targets, and benchmarks at EU level.

-Foster a conducive ecosystem for the growth of the social economy in Europe, allowing social economy enterprises to fully access to the opportunities of the Single Market, EU funds and financial instruments. 

SEE President Juan Antonio Pedreño has declared “This Action Plan represents a historic opportunity for all social economy enterprises and organisations. The opportunity to gain social visibility, to grow, inspire citizens, future entrepreneurs and policy makers in Europe and beyond. The opportunity to make our collective efforts converge and be a key player for a fair and just recovery and in building our collective future, the future of Europe. This is the moment of the social economy, our collective opportunity“.

From Social Economy Europe we wish to thank our 16 members –AIM, AMICE, CASES, CECOP, CEDAG, CEPES, ConcertES, the EFC, ENSIE, ESS-France, EMN, Eurodiaconia, FEBEA, Forum Terzo Settore, IPSE and REVES– as well as the four extenal organisations that have supoported this policy paper: Diesis Network, EURICSE, SOGA Europe and The Wheel.

Enjoy the reading and have your say on the European Commission Rodmap!

Other linguistic versions of the policy paper will be avaialble in SEE website in the coming days.

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