From our partners in ENSIE:

The Net-Works project is a three year-long Erasmus + project with the aim to establish new national or regional networks of adult education providers, and facilitate their involvement in European cooperation. The goal is to help Portugal, Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia and North Macedonia to develop their WISEs networks!

The project has three specific objectives:

  • Networks capacity-building, in response to insufficient connection and networking between different actors involved in social inclusion and adult education within the workplace;

  • Pedagogical approach promotion, in response to the lack of awareness around the work-based education model;

  • Cooperation and financial sustainability, by establishing a conducive environment for work-based adult education.

In the framework of the project we will develop a MOOC and organise several peer to peer training and mentoring sessions between networks. We will also share methodologies and develop recommandations.

The project started in December 2020 and will run until November 2023.

ENSIEs partners in the project are :

We’ll keep you posted!


First peer-to-peer meeting – March, 25th 2021

On Thursday, 25th March, the Net-Works project organised its firs peer-to-peer meeting within the consortium!

The goal of this event was to discuss what is a network !

Kick-Off meeting – February, 10th 2021


During this first online event, ENSIE presented the project and its goal and the structure of the actions that will be carried on during the 36 months length of the project. The project goal is to, within participating countries, help to establish new national or regional networks of adult education providers and facilitaite their involvement in European cooperation.

During this event, the participants talked about the project three core actions:

  • Networks capacity-buidling, led by AFF.

  • Pedagogical approach promotion, led by Galileo Progetti

  • Cooperation and financial sustainability, led by ISEN.

They also discussed how the different work packages will be implemented and the next steps of the project!