
Meeting climate targets requires a transformation in the way we produce and use goods. The transition away from fossil fuels and energy efficiency measures can only address 55% of our emissions. The remaining 45% comes from making things.

Therefore, making less or making with fewer resources – the essence of the circular economy – has a key role to play in climate action. Reducing the quantity of natural resources which we waste would also reduce other environmental pressures on the quality of our air, soils and water.

In a circular economy, waste and resource use are minimised, the value of products and materials is maintained for as long as possible through good design, durability and repair, and when a product has reached the end of its life, its parts are used again and again to create further useful products.

The transition to a circular economy means we must look at how materials and resources are used, how we design the products that households and businesses use, how we prevent waste generation and resource consumption and how we extend the productive life of all goods and products in our society and economy.

This transition could provide more access to better designed products, which can be shared, reused, repaired and remade. This in turn would provide new opportunities for employment across all skills levels.

The Programme for Government – Our Shared Future committed to a range of actions that support the transition to a circular economy. In September 2020, we published the Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy, further cementing the commitment to Ireland’s transition to a circular economy.

One of the first actions to be taken is the development of a high-level, whole of Government Circular Economy Strategy to set a course for Ireland to transition across all sectors and at all levels of Government toward circularity.

We have prepared a draft Circular Economy Strategy and are looking for input from interested parties, in line with Aarhus guidelines in respect of public engagement.

The closing date for submissions is 5.30pm 11 June 2021

Submissions should be sent by email to or by post to:

Public Consultation on the Proposed Publication of the Circular Economy Strategy

Circular Economy Division,

Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications

Newtown Road


Y35 AP90

Image: None

Public Consultation on the Proposed Publication of the Circular Economy Strategy


Image: None

Circular Economy Strategy 2021 – 2022
