From the Wheel

Are you looking for new partners for the upcoming Erasmus+ KA2 deadlines? 

Here is your chance to meet potential partners for your Erasmus+ KA2 project in the area of adult education, vocational education and training, and youth! 

Coordinated by M-Powered, this free online event provides an OPEN SPACE for networking and discussing project ideas (Weds, 5 May from 5.30 – 6:30pm). 

Register here 

This evening event will cover:

  • An overview of Erasmus+ KA2 opportunities
  • A chance to introduce your OWN PROJECT IDEA and to meet potential partners from Ireland and other EU countries
  • The opportunity to be recruited as a project partner by applicant organisations
  • Time and space to meet and collaborate in an international arena.

Organisers: M-Powered is partnering with Access Europe ( to help build partnerships between Irish NGOs and public bodies, and other organisations throughout the EU.

Attendance is free, but registration is required.

Book your place here

The Wheel

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