I have been involved in developing and delivering programmes to support community organisations and social enterprises for many years. I have designed and delivered these since being an Enterprise Officer for an Area Partnership in the late 90’s. Over the period of the last 12 months, I have put some thought on how we can deliver these programmes in the new normal. My solution is simple, clean, easy-to-follow and can deliver significant savings.
I have produced our Business Plan programme specifically designed for the needs of Community Organisations and Social Enterprises in video format. Effectively, the participants see me delivering the same course on screen instead of in class. I am using our Write Your Own Business Plan materials, so participants will write their draft business plan as they go, being prompted to stop the video at specific points and complete the materials in the Word and Excel templates provided.
It costs €49.95 per participant as an online course. We will provide support for participant learners obviously. It is ideal for organisations that need to put a business plan together for planning, funding or other needs. We can also set up a programme for support organisations who would like to use this rather than running a training course. For example, this is a 4 full-day programme when delivered in person. Work out the savings. To deliver this in person for 10 participants would cost around €3,000. To deliver it as an online course costs €495.
Please feel free to share information about this programme with people in your network. If you would like to discuss the opportunities then let’s set up a call. More information from: Write Your Own Business Plan (Nonprofit/Social Enterprise) – Project Master
Our information video can be viewed at:
You can also see samples from the training videos at: Course Excerpts – Project Master
This is a genuine programme, priced to be competitive. You do not have to pay hourly rates for trainers, utilise training rooms or provide lunches and tea/coffee.
By the way, we also have online courses on how to:
Write an Annual Budget: Write Your Own Annual Budget – Project Master
And Write a Project Budget: Write Your Own Project Budget – Project Master
Remember, it costs nothing to have a chat.