ENSIE prepared, with its membres, the network’s position to answer the European Commission’s call for feedbacks on the roadmap for the EU action plan for social economy. In this position, ENSIE and its network defined the requests and needs to create a strong ecosystem for WISEs in Europe. 6 main area have been identified for action and 23 concrete proposals have been made.

You can find our position here.

ENSIE participated also to the redaction of Social Economy Europe position entitled “Co-designing the Action Plan for the Social Economy – For an economy that works for people and the planet“.

Patrizia Bussi, ENSIE Director and Social Economy Europe Vice-President, along with her colleagues of the Social Economy Europe bureau: President Juan Antonio Pedreño, Vice-Presidents Jérôme Saddier and Alain Coheur, and SEE Director Víctor Meseguer, made several meetings to promote this position:  

12 March:  with the Head of Unit ‘Job creation’, in DG EMPL Ann Branch;
7 April:  with the Head of Unit ‘Proximity, Social Economy, Creative Industries’ in DG GROW, Anna Athanasopoulou;
19 April :  with the  European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit;
26 April:  with Commissioner Schmit’s special advisor in charge of social economy Nicolas Hazard.