From EESC:

Rewarding excellence in civil society initiatives

Theme of the 2021 prize: “Climate Action”

The 2021 prize will reward effective, innovative and creative initiatives carried out by civil society organisations and/or individuals on the territory of the EU which aim to promote a just transition towards a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy.

The aim of the Civil Society Prize, which is awarded annually, is to reward and encourage initiatives carried out by civil society organisations and/or individuals that have made a significant contribution to promoting European identity and integration. The overall objective of the prize is to raise awareness of the contribution that civil society organisations and/or individuals can make to creating a European identity and citizenship in a way that underpins the common values that are the foundation of European integration.

The prize, which has a total value of 50 000 € and will be awarded during the EESC plenary session on 8-9 December 2021, is open to civil society organisations officially registered within the European Union and acting at European, national, regional or local level. It is furthermore open to individuals.

The deadline for submitting applications is 30 June 2021, 10 a.m. (CEST).

To apply click here

The contest rules and the application form are available by clicking on the links below.

For further information, please send an email to: civilsocietyprize

Declaration on honour on exclusion criteria and eligibility criteria: eesc-2020-03078-00-00-info-tra-en_0

Privacy statement: Processing of personal data related to the EESC Civil SocietyPrize en_3

RULES GOVERNING THE 2021 EESC CIVIL SOCIETY PRIZE Rewarding excellence in civil society initiatives CLIMATE ACTION en