
Financing Social Enterprise in Ireland – Models of Impact Investing & Readiness

We are delighted to invite you to the launch of “Financing Social Enterprise in Ireland: Models of Impact Investing and Readiness”, which is funded by the European Union under the EU Programme For Employment and Social Innovation – EaSi (2014-2020). 

The project is delivered in partnership between Rethink Ireland, Dublin City University and Community Finance Ireland, with the support of the Irish Social Enterprise Network. It is the project’s mission to co-design and develop new social financing instruments and an investment readiness tool for social enterprises in Ireland over the course of two years. 

The launch will take place on Wednesday 14th July at 9.00am with Ms Ann Branch, Head of Unit for Job Creation in the European Commission’s Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) giving the opening remarks. Further speakers include Eoghan Ryan (Rethink Ireland), Deiric O’Broin (Dublin City University) and Donal Traynor (Community Finance Ireland), who will share further details of the project aims. 

Please register on Eventbrite if you would like to attend the launch. For further information you can also visit our website here.