From Cork City Council
Workshop hosted by Cork City Council
Fostering Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystems Post-Covid 19
Kuidas saab sotsiaalseid ettevõtteid toetada nende eesmärkide saavutamisel ja COVID-19 väljakutsetega toimetulekul?
Cork City Council are hosting a major on line event on July 21st to discuss the challenges facing social enterprises in Ireland, Estonia and Malta post Covid-19. The workshop is part of the EU funded FOSO-POCO Project that is focused at better supporting social entrepreneurship, particularly in a post-Covid world. Social enterprises are businesses that trade to intentionally tackle social problems, improve communities, provide people access to employment and training or help the environment. As part of the FOSO POCO project, Cork City Council is working with relevant support services and stakeholders to create a better understanding of the current local environment and potential of social enterprise, to identify and address existing gaps in supports and to highlight best practice. At the workshop, there will be presentations from leading experts in the field of social enterprise in Cork and a keynote address from Mikel Irujo Amezaga, Minister for Economic and Business Development in the Regional Government of Navarre in Spain and Rapporteur European Committee of the Regions on emerging EU policy in this area.
If you would like further information on the workshop, please contact Donal Guerin in Cork City Council at 353 21 238 98 56, More information on the FOSO-POCO Project can be found at
The agenda for the workshop is attached.
To register for the event:
“Click on the following link: (Where possible, please use Edge, Chrome or Firefox browser to register, Internet Explorer will not display the registration form correctly).