From An Cosan VCC


  1. An Cosán’s Adult Education Calendar is open for programmes commencing September 2021

We have a range of courses and programmes available with online and classroom based options available across all levels in Access, Further Education and Higher Education.
Click on the links to find out more: Download our current Adult Education Calendar, find out more about the courses and programmes, the application process and view our Guide to financial supports to see what funding supports are available.  Download a copy of An Cosan’s Brochure.

Join our online Open Day Information Sessions: We continue to host online Information Sessions every Friday at 11am and we invite people to join us to explore your options. Register to attend on this link:


  1. Erasmus+ Fatherhood Project
    An Cosán are working on this exciting project to empower young fathers in their parenting role, through online training, networking & support. We are inviting young dads aged 18-30 to take part in a short online survey!
    Click on the link to access the online Survey (takes 5-10 minutes to complete):ánFatherhoodSurvey2021.  Click here to find out more about the project. Deadline for completion of survey is Friday 14th September.


  1. An Cosán’s Digital Inclusion and eLearning tools offer free resources to support your team and learners.
    Click on the links to learn about the SCOPE Project, and Digital Inclusion Tools Digital Stepping Stones and Skills to Succeed Academy. If you would like to receive a demo on the Digital Inclusion tools, get in touch today by contacting Mark Kelly on email


  1. #FundingAlert: Mitigating Against Educational Disadvantage Fund (MAEDF)
    Round 2 is Open for Applications with four categories of funding available for providers of Community Education to support educationally disadvantaged learners in accessing and participating in Community Education. Applications should be submitted to your local Education and Training Board (ETB), closing dates vary between ETB’s from 7th – 24th September.  Visit the Solas website for information. Aontas have also put together some very useful information and a recorded webinar on their website to support Community Organisations to apply. If you have any questions, contact Dearbháil Lawless on email


  1. Community Partner-Led Tailored programmes
    If you would like to collaborate with us to deliver a tailored programme for your community of learners, expressions of interest need to be submitted at least 1 term in advance, as resources are limited. We are now confirming the 2022 Spring Calendar.