From Social Impact Ireland

The very popular Business Strategy & Values short course is returning and starts next month. This series of workshops is designed for founders, managers and key decisions makers, tasked with guiding their organisation through these uncertain times but in a way that stays true to the values and purpose that is at the heart of your enterprise.

Run online over 4 consecutive Thursday mornings in October, this short course has one aim: Help you to create a workable strategic plan for you to guide your enterprise towards the vision that drives you.

Dates: October 7th, 14th , 21st, 28th 2021
Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue: Provided Online
Places: 8-10
Cost: Costs are normally €60 per organisation but are being deferred to reflect the current extraordinary challenging times

For more details about the short course and how to register, visit our website below.

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