All recordings from SEWF 2021 are now available to SEWF 2021 ticket holders only via the SEWF 2021 Video Library on SEWF’s website. If the direct link does not work for you, or if you lose this email, you can find this page under the ‘News & Insights’ tab on the SEWF website. Please note that if you don’t see “Video Library – SEWF 2021” as a menu option on the SEWF website, you may need to clear your cache and cookies and reload your browser for it to appear.
To access the videos, you will need an email and password. You MUST use the email you used to register for SEWF 2021 on Hopin. The first time you attempt to access the videos, most of you will have to create a password for future access. Click the ‘Lost password’ link below the email and password fields and enter the email you used to access the event on Hopin. Once you have created a password, you will be able to log in and access the SEWF 2021 Video Library.
These password reset emails from WordPress often filter directly into spam or junk folders so please check those if you do not receive the email immediately.
If you are a member of the CoP, you will be able to use the email and password you use to access the CoP to gain access to the recordings from SEWF 2021. There is no need for you to reset your password.
If you are looking for a particular recording that you can’t find, or that is giving you an error message, the SEWF Team is aware of the problem and we are working to fix all of these over the weekend. Check back next week and if you still cannot find the recording you’re looking for, email us at
All SEWF 2021 recordings will be available until September 2022. All SEWF content must not be used for any other purposes other than individual personal/professional learning and it must not be distributed without SEWF’s permission. |