From Social Platform:
Tuesday 23 November, 15:00-17:00 CET (14:00-16:00 GMT) | Online
Join us for a Social Platform study visit! This year we are delighted to be hosting the award-winning organisation, PACE (Prevention, Accommodation, Community, Enterprise), a voluntary sector organisation based in Dublin, Ireland that works with people with convictions for a wide range of criminal offences. PACE provides a variety of services to assist people with criminal convictions to address their needs and to support their safe integration into the community.
PACE Accommodation Services provides people with transitional housing after prison with the view to assisting people to find long-term accommodation.
PACE Social Enterprise’s goal is to prepare people to progress into mainstream employment and also to positively help change the attitudes of potential employers and communities towards former prisoners who want to turn their lives around.
During this 2-hour study visit, employees and beneficiaries of PACE will give an overview of the services provided and the change this has created in people’s lives. It will give an opportunity to exchange on best practice examples and discuss how to make the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights a reality in people’s lives as part of building back a more sustainable and inclusive Social Europe.
Provisional agenda
Moderator: Dr Lisa Cuthbert, PACE CEO
15:00 Introduction and welcome
- Welcome: Ailbhe Finn, Social Platform Secretary-General
- Introduction of PACE: Dr Lisa Cuthbert, PACE CEO
15:15 PACE Accommodation Services
- Housing – PACE Accommodation Services: Hilary Francis, PACE Accommodation Services Manager
- Housing Video
- Housing after prison: Lena Timoney, Assistant Principal Probation Officer
15:50 PACE Social Enterprise
- Convictions as a Barrier: Fíona Ní Chinnéide, Irish Penal Reform Trust Executive Director
- Mugshot Video / PACE barista interview
- PACE Training and Social Enterprise: Maggie Clune, PACE Manager
- PACE Social Enterprise Video and Social Enterprise Coordinator
- Social Enterprise in Irish Criminal Justice System: Siobhán Cafferty, Department Justice Social Enterprise Project Manager
16:45 Audience questions
- Q&A with guest speakers
- Facilitator: Jessica Nguyen, Social Platform Policy and Advocacy Officer
16:55 Closing
- Closing remarks: Dr Lisa Cuthbert, PACE CEO