Join this information session on 18 January to discover all you need to know about the action, call, policy priorities and the application procedure for the 2022 Forward-Looking Projects funding opportunities under Erasmus+ (Key Action 2).
Following the recent pandemic, the need for innovation in our education and training systems has never been greater. Innovation in teaching and learning is crucial, at individual level as well as at institutional level. These innovative approaches should not only provide today’s and tomorrow’s workers with the appropriate skills for rapidly-changing labour markets, but should also arm today’s and tomorrow’s workforce with creativity and skills to confront the growing complexity of societal challenges that we all face such as climate change, the protection of biodiversity, clean energy, public health, digitalization and automation, artificial intelligence, robotics and data analysis.
This action aims to foster innovation, creativity and participation, as well as social entrepreneurship in different fields of education and training, within sectors or across sectors and disciplines.
Forward-Looking Projects are large-scale projects that aim to identify, develop, test and/or assess innovative (policy) approaches that have the potential of becoming mainstreamed, thus improving education and training systems. They will support forward-looking ideas responding to key European priorities and giving input for improving education, training and youth systems, as well as to bring a substantial innovative effect in terms of methods and practices to all types of learning and active participation settings for Europe’s social cohesion.
The goal is to support transnational cooperation projects implementing a coherent and comprehensive set of sectoral or cross-sectoral activities that either:
a) foster innovation in terms of scope, ground-breaking methods and practices, and/or
b) ensure a transfer of innovation (across countries, policy sectors or target groups), thus ensuring at European level a sustainable exploitation of innovative project results and/or transferability into different contexts and audiences.
The three lots under this call are the following:
LOT 1: Cross-sectoral priorities
Projects under this lot can address different educational sectors or bridge educational sectors. They must address one of the two following priorities:
- Priority 1: Supporting high quality and inclusive digital education, in line with the Digital Education Action Plan
- Priority 2: Supporting education and training systems to adapt for the green transition
LOT 2: Vocational education and training (VET)
Projects under this lot address the VET sector. These projects support the implementation of the principles and objectives of the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan, the European Skills Agenda, the Council Recommendation on vocational education and training for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience and the Osnabrück Declaration on vocational education and training as an enabler of recovery and just transitions to digital and green economies. They must address one of the three following priorities:
- Priority 3: Supporting the Pact for Skills;
- Priority 4: Structures and mechanisms for Applied research in VET;
- Priority 5: Green skills in the VET sector.
LOT 3: Adult education (AE)
These projects support the implementation of the principles and objectives of the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan, the European Skills Agenda, and the Council Recommendation on Upskilling Pathways: New Opportunities for Adults. They address the adult education sector and must address the following priority:
- Priority 6: Upskilling Pathways: New Opportunities for Adults.
The total allocated budget for the action is 46 000 000 EUR.
Further Information
If you want to know more about the action, please consult the Erasmus+ Programme guide 2022 available in all EU official languages at this link.
You will find more details about the three lots of the Forward-Looking Projects on the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal.
You are kindly invited to participate in the Forward-Looking Projects 2022 online information day, co-organised by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and the European Commission. The Info Day will take place on the 18 of January 2022 from 10:00 to 16:30 CET divided into 2 main sessions:
- From 10.00 – 12.20: the policy and priorities session
- From 14.00 – 16.30: the application process and criteria session
For more details, please consult the provisional agenda below.
You will be able to join the info session by clicking on the link to the web-streaming service provided below. There is no prior registration necessary.
You can submit all your questions and comments before, during and after the Info Day to the following email address:
We will try to answer them live, however if there is a large volume of queries, we will reply to your email as soon as possible through the mailbox itself. During the event, the tool Slido will be used for interaction.
Shortly after the Info Day, the recording and the presentations of the sessions will be made available on EACEA’s website.
After the Info Day, the FAQs will be made available on the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal.
Practical information
- When
- Languages
- English
- Live stream
- Online link
- Online time