
Are you passionate about social enterprise and Ireland’s blossoming social economy? If so, The Wheel has the perfect role for you. We are currently recruiting a new full-time Social Enterprise Officer.

The purpose of the role is to provide a dedicated support function for The Wheel’s work in the area of social enterprise / social economy. The post-holder will be responsible for managing projects in this space, supporting as well as, where appropriate, leading our public policy work in social economy / social enterprise, and providing practical support and training to our social enterprise members.

The Wheel has had significant activity and focus in the area of social enterprise over many years. Fourteen years ago, we were a founding member of the then ‘Social Enterprise Task Force’ (SETF), a coalition of ten organisations that sought the creation of a public policy for the development of social enterprise in Ireland. Since then, we have augmented this by consistently delivering a suite of information, advice and training programmes for social enterprises. In 2019, the SETF’s advocacy achieved its aim when the Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) published Ireland’s first National Policy for Social Enterprise (2019 – 2021). We were delighted to see our members’ wishes, which we had strongly championed, represented in the final document. Since then, we have represented our members’ interests on the Implementation Group for this new policy.

In recent years, in addition to our core supports for social enterprises, we have secured major projects related to the European social economy and have widened our participation to include EU as well as Irish based social economy policy groups and networks. With this increased activity and more projects pending, we have identified the need to augment our capacity and expertise in these important areas. Consequently, we have created this new role of Social Enterprise Officer.

The Wheel is a hybrid, remote-first, work environment, with a blend of remote and in-person work. Applications close on 23 February.