From The Wheel:

The Wheel, the national association of charities and social enterprises, has called on the Government to prioritise policies that will boost social enterprise and support Ireland’s burgeoning social economy.

The policy recommendations are contained in a new report, Unlocking the Social Economy, Supporting Social Enterprise: A Platform for Progress, which was launched last week in Clones Co. Monaghan. The report frames the social enterprise landscape within the wider social economy in Ireland and the EU.

Speaking at the event, Deirdre Garvey CEO of The Wheel said, Across the world, social enterprises have been pioneers in identifying and implementing social innovations and alternative ways of organising economic activities, for example, the fair trade and organic food movements, and ethical finance. It is part of our heritage and, importantly, it is essential to a future economy that works for people and the planet.

The Wheel’s recommendations for the Government include:

  • Enabling social enterprises to access existing business, finance, and other supports
  • Creating a comprehensive social enterprise training framework
  • Ensuring public procurement works to include, not exclude, social enterprise
  • Raising public awareness
  • Committing to sustained data collection on the impact of the social economy
  • Supporting the green and digital transformation of the social economy
  • Active engagement by Government in implementing the EU Action Plan.

Read this full news update here. Download the full report here.

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