Interconnectedness between the circular and social economy has increased over the last two years, while policies in these areas have evolved rapidly.
Social economy organisations have played a pioneering role for decades when it comes to shaping and expanding circular economy practices. Through their engagement in the value chain, they play an important role in reinforcing social inclusion by promoting and providing opportunities for the most vulnerable groups in society. At the same time, they drive innovation and provide essential operational capacity for prevention, reuse and repair activities.
Join this talk and explore how collaboration – from partnerships to procurement to networks – between social enterprise, the public and private sectors and others can act as a catalyst for supporting and growing the impact of social enterprises active in the circular economy.
A range of case studies from key stakeholders, from large and small social enterprises to the public sector and researchers, will be shared in order to highlight the challenges and opportunities associated with partnerships. The panel discussion, with audience participation, will explore the different ways to scale up social enterprise, the types and benefits of collaboration and how further collaboration can be encouraged.
Programme outline
- Welcome
LG Social Enterprise – Rediscovery Centre - Opening remarks
EESC member - Context statement
Karel Vanderpoorten, Policy officer Social Economy – DG GROW - Panel discussion (case studies)
- Fiona McCoole
Irish EPA - Gene Homicki
MyTurn pbc - Irene Basile
OECD - Romane Gohier
- Fiona McCoole
- Conclusions and follow-up discussion on SpatialChat